Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Roundhay Park: Crit with Brass

so, I went into Brass yesterday to work on my FMP and I've been feeling really stuck and uninspired with my Roundhay Park brief. So I asked Ian if he could have a look at my project and give me some help with it.
I ended up presenting a few boards I put together during the day to Ian, Dan and Jason (the other two designers) at Brass
Round Hay Presentation Boards

I got some really good and useful feedback but I have a lot to do.....

The typography needed more consistancy. Think about using more woodcut type, that kind of style.

Start playing around more with the type and getting may be 3 main ones , then can start playing around with the signage.  When you have a resolved identity ( which at the moment it doesn't feel like it is resolved) the typography and design will feed into the park saigns etc.

Could definitely have more fun with the signage ( they could be hidden or something fun) Play around with the location and the position of the signs.

need to inject more fun into the park signs - doesn't matter if it doesn't work really well as signs, you're trying to have fun etc.

you need the series of marques to have relevance in the real world. what kind of surfaces would they go on? eg. swings? park benches? badges? uniforms? etc.  Where do they appear and who sees them?

May be re look at the R and don't draw it? play around with it in other ways? ( this one would be had to do as i've spent AGES doing the R)

Add colour to your signs?

Make something tactile and 3D?


Park Map, the words could be drawn- inside of word reflects the key areas
make an events leaflet?
could make sub brands? eg. M marque for the mansion
make something tactile and 3 d
intergrate identity into the environment
how do you make wood contemporary?
give it a twist? something that isn't necessarily nature?


FIRST : throw around around some new and completely different ideas! ( half n hour)

1. Make a list of all the possibly identities and where they would appear . What  surfaces would each of these identity appear on.

2. which one will you make?

3. How would each marque be applied onto all these different surfaces

4. resolve the marques.

5. use whatever I made to feed into the park signs.

6. what can I do to make the park signs more 'fun'



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