Friday, 30 March 2012

Roundhay some printed stuff

Interim Evaluation


Branding of Roundhay Park
Branding and promoting of 16 frames: B&W film festival
Branding of Magazine SHT
Branding for Fashion Student AMIO
Branding of Thai Restaurant
1 day briefs

Side brief: 
each one day brief


I am working far too slowly and being far too indecisive.
The concepts for my briefs feel resolved and the deliverables but  I'm just struggling to actually get a move on and make things.
 Because of the fact that I need stuff in the yearbook has kind of given me a kick that I needed which is good.

I feel like because I've been trying to come up with more interesting deliverables for each of my brief and not just the usual print stuff, its really slowed me down with the actual making of my project so I'm not sure whether that is a good thing or not.

I've also been trying to do more different stuff that I've not really done before eg. signage and wayfinding. I think because i've spent the most time trying to resolve the roundhay park brief which I've been feeling like its unresolvable, I've not had as much time to work on my other briefs.

I really need to get a move on.

I feel like for most of the stuff I've done the hard part but now I just need to make stuff. I' feel like this term I've really held back on actually printing things and testing things. and I know that its something that I need to sort out but I just can;'t seem to motivate myself as well as I have been

 Easter wil be very busy

Branding of Roundhay Park

So far, I've done the identity ( and sub identities) which have taken me FOREVER
I've only just started applying the concepts/ designs to actual real deliverables
However I still feel like i need to come up with a more 'fun' interesting deliverabl which I've been stuck on for ages now.

So, now I'm just going to produce all the normal boring stuff and then work on the hard part later just so that i've got stuff.

Branding and promoting of 16 frames: B&W film festival

I really really like this brief and I think I will come up with some really interesting deliverables for this

( china plates in a gift bag,  stickers around town, a mail out with glasses in and square format for everything)

However, my most recent designs involve using till images from the films and I've never really worked with photographs before so this could be really tricky but we'll see

so I've got most of my deliverables sorted out but I just need to make them. I think I will spent an entire week over easter for this brief.

Branding of Magazine SHT

The concept for this brief is actually my favourite.
This one will be the one where I need to gain the content myself and I've been collecting all the 'SHT' for the magazine.

Branding for Fashion Student AMIO

Pretty much done everything but the look book / coffee table book
but this brief which was originally meant to be a small brief has turned into a big one as I am now producing so many different deliverables

( stationary, swing tags, packaging, lookbook, coffee table book and a set of postcards with box)

Branding of Thai Restaurant

not started yet

1 day briefs

These are mostly poster competition briefs with a couple of branding ones in there as well. 

I'm planning on doing around ten but I dont know if I will managed 

So far I've done 

2 poster briefs
2 branding briefs


I feel like I've definitely been blogging,  A LOT . At some point i've actually felt like I;m spending more time blogging than I've actually produced work and that why this past couple of weeks I've not blogged as  much

I think I need to find that balance with documenting my work and actually doing work. I've blogged pretty much most of the visuals I've made whcih I guess is the most important part 

I've not been evaluating my ongoing process as well as I have

I've scanned most my thought process and idea generated on sheets ( again, this week I've not done as well and as much as I have )

Roundhay park sign: attempt two

Finally it worked! 

I came back in the morning and had a discussion with Matt ( who was literally a god send)  and he saved me. 

We decided to decrease the number of raster per ( something) which means that the speed of the laser cut would be twice as fast and I also decided to reduce the size of the sign down. 

We tested out different speed which effects the colour of the burnt wood and ended up keeping it the same 

So this took about three hours and a bit but its come out beautifully!

Roundhay park sign: fail

This was my first attempt of laser cutting ( raster) GIAN park sign ( 750 x 750 mm)
which took forever.  The picture below is the stage the sign was at after about 4 hours. 
I stayed till the uni was closing and realised there was no way this was going to get done so I paused it and had to turn the machine off and to come back in the morning . 

Anyway, If that had worked the sign would have looked amazing!